Alexander Wendy decided to be a Gumby Girl

 in a tagged dress by Madame.

 I added a heart bracelet, Ginny repro hat ,purse and shoes.

Her slip is by Sue of Yester-Dolls.

( A paper Gumby mask is tucked behind her purse.)

 Little Gumby and Pokey figures are in that purse as well.


Feel free to wear this shirt for trick or treating

if you haven't got a costume!

Wendy and Gumby made all the costumes

 for the littlest kids on the block!

Gumby flicked on the Halloween lights (from Carol)

 and the little costume creations were displayed.

Gumby's family was so proud of his hard work!

Gumby did a little dance to celebrate!

Madame Alexander Wendy

re-dressed as Gumby  Page 3



  Click Gumby to see the twins on Page 4